Sword Master : James Fell
Certified Sword Fighting Instructor
817 909 3310
I started to love sword fighting while watching old movies, then in 1967, I was introduced to the Katana, Samuari sword during my years at the Japan Karate Association. I received personal, 1 on 1 training in the Katana, Samuari sword and saw many sword demonstrations, Kendo, and shows.
I continued to seek out and learn different sword techniques from personal instruction of many professionals in the Historical European Martial Arts, H.E.M.A. I learned to use the Rapier and Saber, Cutlass, broad sword and long sword. I loved going to antique shops and buying old swords I could find there. I always loved to go to medival fairs and shows of different cultures to find what kind of swords they may have there and sword fighting shows and demonstrations.
In my search for Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun Chinese Martal Arts, I was introduced to the Historical Asian Martial Arts, H.A.M.A. I was instructed by masters in the Chinese sword arts, and during that time, I met professionals in the Philipine Martial Arts and received exstinsive traing in their sword arts.
I have the top certifications in the Saber and Long Sword, and the Philipine Martial Arts swords. I continue to teach, and receive training, in different types of swords, from professionals in the sword arts.
Art Of The Sword by Sword Master James Fell - Certified Sword Fighting Instructor