Art Of The Sword by James Fell
Private Training Rates
7 Days A Week
Monday thru Sunday
$60 per hour
6 hour/lesson special $330
12 hour/lesson with Certificate $600
Online Private Video Streaming Sword Classes
Prices are same as Private Class Rates
817 909 3310
Training for Real Combat Sword Fighting and Real Sword Dueling!
These specific applications available ...
Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA)
HEMA sword classes, HEMA sword training
Viking sword, Celtic sword, Scottish sword, Irish sword.
Long Sword and Broad Sword.
Specializing in Rapier sword dueling and Saber sword dueling.
Historical Japanese Martial Arts
Samurai sword classes, Samurai sword training
Samurai sword (Katana)
Specializing in
Free Style
Historical Chinese Martial Arts
Chinese sword classes, Chinese sword training
Jian sword,
Dao sword, Butterfly swords
Specializing in
Baat Chaam Dao
Historical Philippine Martial Arts
Escrima sword classes, Escrima sword training
Espada y Daga, Bastone y Daga, Sembrata, Sinawali
Lacoste Inosanto System, Juanito Lacoste, Dan Inosanto Lineage
Specializing in Escrima
Archery, Bow and Arrow
Archery classes, Archery training
Kids Trainer Bow, Recurve Bow, Compound Bow, Cross Bow
Movable target for training short, medium, long distance up to 120 feet
Specializing in long range small targets
Common Sense Battle Tactics and Advanced Combat Fighting Tactics!
Self Defense Fighting Tactics classes, Self Defense Fighting Tactics training
Knife, Club, Stick, Firearm disarms
Knife fighting and disarms
Disarms for any one or two handed weapon or spear
Combat Weapons Training, Weapons Self Defense
Tactical Weapons classes, Tactical Weapons training
Any single handed or double handed short or long weapon
Knives, Clubs, Hammers, Hatchets, Machetes, Swords, Spears
Any one handed swords and one handed weapons of all types and sizes.
Rapier - Cutless - Foil - Spadroon - Falchion - Sabre - Back Sword - Side Sword -
Small Sword - Arming Sword - Short Sword - Gladius - Viking - Machete -
Dao - Scimitar - Nimcha - Makhaira - Shamshir - Acinaces
(knives, hammers, hatchets, clubs, cleavers)
Any two handed swords and two handed weapons of all types and sizes.
Broad Sword - Long Sword - Katana
(axes, halberds, berdiches, glaives, poleaxe, spears)
Art Of The Sword
Historical Martial Arts School
Historical Sword Fighting School
Medieval Sword Fighting School
Historical European Martial Arts School
Art Of The Sword by James Fell